
Showing posts from 2010

The year's books

See Delphi and Die by Lindsay Davis

Relics of the Dead by Ariana Franklin

The Woods of Windri by Violet Needham

Virtual Advent Tour

Hue and Cry by Shirley McKay

Speculative Fiction Reading Challenge 2011

Giving Up the Ghost by Hilary Mantel

Airs Above the Ground by Mary Stewart

Just Another Backward Book Launch: a guest post by Scott Nicholson

Tapestry of Love by Rosy Thornton

Allegra Fairweather: Paranormal Investigator by Janni Nell

Creatures of the night - RIPV round up

Jobs and books

The Rise of the Iron Moon by Stephen Hunt

Thursbitch by Alan Garner

Playing with Bones by Kate Ellis

French Fried by Chris Dolley

Neuromancer by William Gibson